Effective Learning Through Lesson Study

Through Lesson Study, teachers are able to evaluate lesson plans to determine if they are helping students learn. Lesson Study allows groups of teachers to research, develop and practice lessons and techniques that have direct impact on their students. Lesson Study have made many teachers learn more about their role as teachers. How can Lesson Study help teachers in their teaching.

In Lesson Study a group of teachers researches and writes a lesson plan on a specific topic. Expectations for the lesson and what would be the students response to the lesson, whether the lesson will help students understand the concepts taught better and how it will teach the students grasp the concept taught. One of the teachers in the group will be given the task to use the lesson plan in her class. Others in the group will be given the opportunity to observe the implementation of the lesson plan and take notes on the effect of the lesson. Later the group will meet to review the lesson and decide what revisions are needed to improve the lesson plan.

The benefits of Lesson Study are:-

1. It is hands-on and relevant to teachers everyday teaching.
2. A lot of professional development is done outside of classroom content and practice.
3. Teachers are able to observe and talk about a lesson and gain content and pedagogical knowledge.
4.Able to get immediate feedback on a lesson. Data can be collected to determine if learning is going on. All involved in the study learn from the process.
5. Teacher are able to learn to observe effectively and able to determine whether the lesson is contributing to students learning.
6. Teachers are able to observe how students are learning, how much are they learning and what they are learning matches with what teachers thought the students are learning.
7. Time must be spend on issues they need and data collected from classrooms must be studied for improvement.
8. Resources should be shared amongst teachers in the school.
9. Lessons becomes part of every person in the Group. Each member of the group will be focusing on certain issues related to the lesson.
10. Very helpful to new teachers. Professional development is done hands on.
11. It is a great way to improve teaching. Teachers will get lots of examples of good teaching.
12. Helps teachers think deeply about their teaching by learning how to deal with errors in the lesson plan and how to change it to improve teaching and students understanding

How is it done?

A group of teachers get together to plan a lesson plan than one member of the group teaches the lesson in a class while others observe and take notes. After discussing the lesson by members of the group, revisions are made to the lesson plan based on the notes gathered in the observation.
The lesson plan is use again in the class by another member of the group. The same process earlier is repeated where more revisions is done until teachers learn to think carefully about how they organise a blackboard, how to get students involved in the lesson, what material to use or not use. The main issue here is getting students to understand the lesson and if they don't, what can be done to fix it. Teachers how have used Lesson Study and see how it improves their teaching will be using it regularly

Dr Makoto Yoshida - Global Education Resources said, "In Japan Lesson Study is used in all subjects. In education, we want children to be life-long learners, so we should expect the same from teachers".


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