

Pendidikan adalah satu proses di mana berlakunya pemindahan dan pemerolehan ilmu, nilai, budaya dan kemahiran yang berpindah dari satu generasi ke satu generasi yang seterusnya. Pendidikaan melibatkan insan sebagai penerima atau pembina ilmu. Guru merupakan agen yang menyampaikan ilmu itu kepada insan. Guru juga adalah sebagai model atau teladan khusus dalam pemupukan nilai-nilai murni. Pendidikan berkait rapat dengan falsafah. Metafizik - kewujudan dan dan kebenaran hakiki; epistemologi - tteori ilmu; aksiologo - teori nilai dan logik - kaedah pengajaran guru atau pendidik. Falsafah pendidikan meneliti hasil kajian berdasarkan kesannya terhadap pendidikan.Falsafah pendidikan menjelaskan matlamat akhir pendidikan. Usaha digerakkan untuk mengatur , menyelaras dan menggerakkan proses pendidikan melalui amalan nilai dan cara bagi mencapai matlamat yang telah ditentukan. Falsafah pendidikan menentukan corak kurikulum sebagai proses untuk mencapai matlamat yang telah ditetapkan. Falsafah Pe

To Be A Happy Man

 To be a better man one has to :- 1. have willingness to look on the better side of things. Avoid looking at the worst side cos it is going to make you down with frustrations. 2. expect something good from something bad. Not all that is bad is totally useless. There is always something good hidden somewhere within. 3. never be unduly worried about anything. Being worried about things that you are not sure off is  bad. 4. accept that difficulties gives you chances to improve and be a better person. 5. accept that misfortune as an act of God. There's always something good behind every misfortune. It is a way of making you look back and thrive to be getter. 6. make sure that nothing will deter us from thinking that we will get through our problems. There's always a way to overcome them. 7. remember that anything bad that happens is always for a reason. Sit back and look out for the reason and make it good. 8. always smile all your way through and stop complaining. Complaining will

What Make A School, A Good School

Found an article in the net from the website written by Terry Heick, Founder and director of Teach Thought. I am sharing the summary of his ideas of what are the characteristics of a good school. There are others whom have written on this topic. Let's look at this first. Of course Mr Terry's ideas are based on the culture, environment and the education system of his country but we can look at it and adopt and adapt what is suitable to our culture and education system. Let's look at some of the recommendations made by him. A good school improves the community it is in. A good adapts quickly to social changes. A good school has students who get along with and support one another towards a common goal which is known by them. A good school produce students that read and write because they want to. A good school admits its failures and limitations while working together with a 'global community' to grow. A good school has diverse and compelling measures

Reflective Routine in Teaching Effectively

 "Teachers who take time daily to reflect on what worked in class and what didn't can better assess areas for improvement and begin to make necessary adjustment" Megan Collins,  has taught creative writing at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts and Central Connecticut State University. In an article written by her "The Benefits of Developing a Reflective Routine" she gave ideas in developing reflective practice in teaching. Kristina Rizga * said that the best teachers establish connections with students, by making daily commitment in bringing in well considered, purposeful practices and working child by child. Finding the right mix of practices to be executed on knowing the need of each child is very essential.  In the process of finding out the effort taken by veteran teachers in bringing out the best in their students, she found that issues such as race and culture are involved. Some of the most constructive ideas that has helped teachers inspire even the

Guiding Students in Problem Solving

 Students attending STEM lessons often have problem and weakness in solving problems relating to science, technology, engineering and math. They need to learn how to think about solving problems in a general perspective. Students are usually not familiar with implicit skills and ways of thinking in solving these problems. This is one thing that most teachers are not aware of. Lets look at a few ways in teaching problem solving skills to students. 1. Model hidden thinking in problem solving. Guide students about every aspect of what they are doing providing reasons for every steps. Include moments of vulnerability and accept the fact that they don't know what to do. Discuss the students' options and decision process. Use methods to check their work in order to correct their errors. This internal dialogue is essential in problem solving.  2. Facilitate student talk during problem solving. Never solve the problems for the students even if they ask you in any situation either in cl

Challenges Teachers Face in Engaging Students

Engaging students who are unreachable, resisting learning activities and disrupting others is a very difficult task. According to Larry Ferlazzo from Luther Burbank High School, Sacramento, California, one of the best approaches to engaging challenging students is to develope their "intrinsic motivation". Students are motivated to follow their own interest and goals, not to do what teachers want them to do. Teachers have to know the students interest and goals and to develope trusting relationship that help students connect their learning to their goals. How can teachers do this?  There are eight great ways teachers can reach their students. THINK Authoritative beats Authoritarian - being authoritarian means controlling and demanding obedience without giving any explanation why it is important to obey. Whereas being authoritative means demonstrating control rationally through listening and explaining. A study conducted by University of New Hampshire in 2012 shows that childre

Teaching Online Efficiently

 Teaching online has become a new norm in todays education due to the pandemic wide spread. Teaching online is a lot more tedious since it requires more planning in making sure that students have access materials and the best technology tools available. Let's look at the various task that teachers should look into in preparing an online lesson. Organizing Tasks. Create a list of task that will guide you through the whole week to come. Long Time Goals - is for things that are not immediately done but are optional. Do Now - are things that you need to do in the next 24 hours. Creating - Designing assignments, creating new Units or writing emails. Doing - is filled with items such as making copies, grading or entering grades in record books. Plan for Breaks Set your time for a break. Use your break to allow you to be productive and reset Sometimes chatting and talking is what you need. Say No and Trust Say NO when it is required especially in dealing with things that are not your obli