
Showing posts from March, 2021

Reflective Routine in Teaching Effectively

 "Teachers who take time daily to reflect on what worked in class and what didn't can better assess areas for improvement and begin to make necessary adjustment" Megan Collins,  has taught creative writing at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts and Central Connecticut State University. In an article written by her "The Benefits of Developing a Reflective Routine" she gave ideas in developing reflective practice in teaching. Kristina Rizga * said that the best teachers establish connections with students, by making daily commitment in bringing in well considered, purposeful practices and working child by child. Finding the right mix of practices to be executed on knowing the need of each child is very essential.  In the process of finding out the effort taken by veteran teachers in bringing out the best in their students, she found that issues such as race and culture are involved. Some of the most constructive ideas that has helped teachers inspire even the...