
Showing posts from November, 2010

Kesalahan Yang Kerap Dilakukan Oleh Guru Baru

Guru-guru baru kerapkali: 1. Tak pernah dapat memutuskan apa yang mereka hendak dan apa yang mereka tak hendak. Ini merupakan penyebab utama kepada masalah yang berikutnya. 2. Memuji pelajar secara berlebihan di atas kejayaan melaksanakan tugas yang diberi. 3. Tidak dapat membezakan di antara pujian dan pengiktirafan dan bilakah setiap satu itu dihargai. 4. Gagal menyediakan rancangan jangka panjang dan rancangan harian. 5. Kerap memberi tumpuan yang berlebihan kepada seseorang pelajar atau pun sekumpulan pelajar serta tidak memantau kelas secara keseluruhan. 6. Memulakan pengajaran sebelum memastikan pelajar-pelajarnya telah bersedia untuk menerima pengajaran. 7. Bertutur terlalu pantas dan kadangkala tidak jelas. Adakalanya terlalu kuat atau terlalu perlahan. 8. Berdiri terlalu lama pada sesuatu tempat atau duduk terlalu lama semasa sedang mengajar. 9. Terlalu menekankan perkara-perkara negatif. 10. Tidak memastikan agar pelajar mengangkat tangan serta tunggu sehingga di panggil untu...


The number and types of standardized tests administered to students are many. There has been only limited discussion of their purpose, strengths, and weaknesses. Testing is undeniably important; without it, there is no consistent way to measure learning. Yet the information that comes from most standardized tests fails to tell us enough about the quality of our schools. Schools are often judged based on their students' absolute test scores. The problem with this approach is that absolute test scores are overwhelmingly linked to students' family income: wealthy school districts tend to have high scores and districts that serve low-income students tend to have low scores. Unless we believe that only rich schools are good schools, and that good schools are necessarily rich schools, we need an approach that evaluates schools based on how their academic programs impact their students. Unlike every other way of looking at test results, value-added assessment solves this problem by a...