
Showing posts from July, 2010


1 . Define the problem This is often where people struggle. They react to what they think the problem is. Instead, seek to understand more about why you think there's a problem. Defining the problem: (with input from yourself and others) Ask yourself and others, the following questions: a. What can you see that causes you to think there's a problem? b. Where is it happening? c. How is it happening? d. When is it happening? e. With whom is it happening? (HINT: Don't jump to "Who is causing the problem?" When we're stressed, blaming is often one of our first reactions. To be an effective manager, you need to address issues more than people.) f. Why is it happening? g. Write down a five-sentence description of the problem in terms of "The following should be happening, but isn't ..." or "The following is happening and should be: ..." As much as possible, be specific in your description, including what is happening, where, how, with whom an...